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Ambient Click

The Big Fat Kartra Review

What Is Kartra? That’s a great question. Kartra is a completely integrated platform meaning every part of the software works together for the efficient and smooth running of a business. It was founded in 2018 by Genesis Digital, the same…

The Price Of A Funnel

One of the concerns around starting any new digital endeavor like a Marketing Funnel, is the following thought: “I don’t want another monthly bill”. Every single business owner says this. It’s understandable. How many of your monthly costs are absolutely…

The Marketing Funnel Explained

In case you are still on a mission to understand Marketing Funnels, what they do, and why people use them we found this really interesting article by digital marketing and technology agency Kantaloupe and thought we’d share it here on…

Why Use A Funnel?

One of the most common questions we get is, “What are Funnels?” and “Why would I need a Funnel if I already have a website?”. Both are good questions! Let’s look at the difference and clarify why Funnels are the…

You Need A Funnel, Not A Website

Welcome to the Ambient Click Blog! We’ve taken our time to set this up and as we (hopefully) approach the end of the pandemic we’ll be delivering regular helpful information and guidance on Funnels and on the Kartra platform and…