The Price Of A Funnel

One of the concerns around starting any new digital endeavor like a Marketing Funnel, is the following thought:

“I don’t want another monthly bill”.

Every single business owner says this.

It’s understandable.

How many of your monthly costs are absolutely essential to your business? For instance. Are those Starbucks runs essential? How much do you currently pay to run your business website?

Some business owners and entrepreneurs are already paying way more than they should be, or need to be.

Here’s a breakdown of typical low-end digital costs for your average small business:

  • Domain renewal: $25 per year
  • Website hosting: $15 per month
  • Email marketing: $100 per month
  • Pay-per-click advertising (PPC): $100 per month
  • Social media marketing: $200 per month

That comes out to a whopping $450 per month!

That is considered an entry-level cost based on a small or one-person operation. Most businesses tend to spend around $800 per month on their digital needs across many service providers.

Crazy, right? It’s not a small amount, especially if you are just trying to get going (or get going again after lockdown) and in many cases, we discover business owners also throwing money at Facebook and Instagram ads and losing money each month! It’s tragic to hear about that struggle. Facebook is just chewing up their budget and giving nothing back.

So, what if you could cut all those bills in half? Plus, lose nearly all the other platforms you use?

You can! Just switch over to a Kartra Funnel today.

Below is a super simple 6-Step checklist to show you how to halve your costs and run your entire digital marketing strategy under one roof:

  1. Sign-up to the basic Kartra Starter Plan which is just $99 per month.
  2. Buy a custom domain to use on Kartra (we recommend Bluehost, as they are cheap and completely reliable).
  3. Import a pre-built Funnel, or alternatively, build one out yourself.
  4. Import your customer and prospective customer email addresses into your new Kartra account and begin creating and scheduling engaging email campaigns.
  5. Watch your sales or conversions and general interest start to trickle in.
  6. Rinse and repeat by continuing to create and schedule engaging email campaigns to your list.

That’s it? Yes, and It’s a beautiful thing because the email marketing can be automated and is where Kartra really comes into its own. You write a sequence of emails and can schedule them to be sent to your list whenever you please. Flexible!

Your bottom line costs for running a Marketing Funnel on the Kartra platform now look more like this:

  • Kartra Starter Plan ($99 per month (or $79 per month if billed annually)
  • Domain purchase through Bluehost ($8.88 annually).

Your costs with Kartra could be as low as $956.88 annually or $87.88 per month.

To supercharge the whole process just go with one of our Funnels.

Simply import it into your new Kartra account and in less than one minute you’ll be up-and-running with a pre-built and proven Marketing Funnel you can customize.

Alternatively, if you want the challenge of building your own Marketing Funnel, we would say go for it! It can be fun to learn new tools and will help you in the long run. All we’ll say is that if you purchase one of our Funnels they all include automated email sequencing built-in which could save you a 3-month learning curve learning all about funnels and sequencing.

We tend to notice some clients get frustrated with the Funnel creating part and then the email sequencing creation part and we see some new clients sign-up to Kartra and then quit after one to two months, which is such a shame because they are so very close to nailing it and having a system which runs in the background for their business.

The clients that succeed faster tend to put their faith in a proven pre-built Funnel, thereby saving time.

So, a lot to think about there. We would urge you to do the numbers, and see what works for you.

Hopefully you sign up to Kartra and go with one of our pre-built and proven Funnels.

If not, enjoy the journey of building your own Funnels. We are here to support with any questions.

Either way, you are heading towards a better tomorrow and a successful online business strategy.

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