Comfortable On Zoom? WebinarJam Could Be For You

You are probably sick of Zoom, however lots of us have got a lot more comfortable and professional in front of the camera over the last year than we were before the pandemic. Everyone, whether they are eight or eighty now seems to know how to drop a crazy background and stay “in-shot”. What an opportunity then to transpose those new on-camera skills to a Webinar!

It’s not that widely known, but Webinars are incredibly effective at selling products and services. Webinars are in fact, multi-purpose and allow you to communicate directly with your audience letting them know in real-time about the product or service you are offering, and giving you direct conversation with your audience. Why is this valuable? Because it offers you an opportunity to directly “knock back” any objections your audience might have in real time. Normally, you’d send an email follow-up sequence, which may or may not be helpful for your audience.

Sometimes you just don’t know. Webinars allow you to cut through all that and allow you that direct line to what an audience is thinking, and what motivates them. How incredibly useful is that? It can work like a charm for both you (as the product or service) and your audience.

Running a webinar helps them to understand your product and offer your business the opportunity like nothing else. Think of the time you could save by hearing directly from your audience on what they like/don’t like about your offer.

This type of research alone used to cost businesses thousands of dollars a year and from a product research perspective it is INVALUABLE.

Fortunately, the good people at Genesis Digital who make Kartra have a sister product named WebinarJam.

“See Why Over 50,000 Businesses Across 40 Different Industries Love WebinarJam.”

Genesis Digital

WebinarJam is the most complete Webinar platform ever created, and interestingly, we are seeing different types of sales teams in medical, dental, and various other service industries use Webinar to engage with their customers more directly with amazing results.

So, maybe the great Zoom experiment of 2020 came in useful after all?

The Basic Plan runs just $499 a year which could amount to peanuts if you have an audience who are primed and ready to watch your presentation and click-through to an amazingly cool offer.

Take advantage of the new post- Zoom world we live in and sign up for WebinarJam today!

Sign-up hack! If you click through to the sign-up page, click Select Plan, but then choose to close out without continuing, you should then see a pop-up dialog offering you a 14-Day Trial of WebinarJam for just $1. Genesis Digital usually don’t keep those offers around long so we’d recommend jumping on it if you see it. What’s to lose?

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