The Marketing Funnel Explained

In case you are still on a mission to understand Marketing Funnels, what they do, and why people use them we found this really interesting article by digital marketing and technology agency Kantaloupe and thought we’d share it here on our blog.

AIDA Model.

You’ll learn a lot of high-level overview stuff plus the Funnel theory is also explained really well.

Get ready to learn some cool stuff about …

  • The AIDA Principle
  • The Buyer Journey
  • How to Create a Marketing Funnel in 4-Steps

If after reading you have any questions about Marketing Funnels and how they might work for your business, or maybe even for an idea you’ve had then by all means reach out to us and we’ll be happy to help you strategize a plan and get you up-and-running with a Funnel in no time at all.

The Marketing Funnel Explained: A Blueprint for Business Growth

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