Why Use A Funnel?

One of the most common questions we get is, “What are Funnels?” and “Why would I need a Funnel if I already have a website?”.

Both are good questions! Let’s look at the difference and clarify why Funnels are the way forward for all types of businesses today.

Here’s the comparison:

  • Your Website was made some time ago, right? As such it doesn’t appeal to the very impatient website and mobile users who visit it.
  • A Funnel is a custom-built set of web pages specifically created to engage with your audience on their mobile device and bring them into a funnel sequence of desired actions.

Here’s an example of a bad old business Website:

Bad Website Example

Here’s an example of a business Funnel:

Good Website Example

Which do you find more appealing? Which do you think your customers would prefer to engage with?

Whether you have a business, or you’d just like to launch a personal project to the world, your best bet is to use a Marketing Funnel.

Now is a good time to test out this whole Marketing Funnel theory!

It’s simple and easy. Sign-up for your 14-Day Trial with Kartra and play around with the amazing Kartra landing pages. You have nothing to lose and if you decide to stick around on the platform for a few months to test the theory out you might want to purchase one of our custom-built business Funnels which will do practically all the heavy lifting for you.

If you decide to stick around after 14 Days and move to the Starter Plan (only $99/month) then you’ll also receive access to our FREE Video Training Series which will have you up and running and becoming a Funnel expert in no time.

All you need to do to qualify to access the FREE Video Training Series is sign up to your 14-Day Trial or Starter Plan through our link below.

Sign up for a 14-Day Kartra Trial Today!

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