You Need A Funnel, Not A Website

Welcome to the Ambient Click Blog! We’ve taken our time to set this up and as we (hopefully) approach the end of the pandemic we’ll be delivering regular helpful information and guidance on Funnels and on the Kartra platform and how to get the most out of it. The title of this blog article is worth clarifying. Overheard in 2019, it gave us one of those lightbulb moments where Funnels suddenly made a ton of sense. Having had many conversations with businesses over the years, usually related to their website, we noticed the message they were getting was that their customers didn’t like their websites. Sadly, business websites are nearly always terrible. Sometimes you have to wonder if some have been updated since the late 90s! It’s no wonder they do not generate website traffic. They were never set up correctly. They never had a chance to be in the search race, which evolves at lightning speed these days. Their logos are often terrible, and the content is generally average or non-existent. The other end of the spectrum is the high-grade business website with fancy animations and no one who visits has a clue what the business is selling. These two extremes are still prevalent. So, in the fast-paced web world, it makes a lot of sense to have a digital strategy. Sure, you could get rid of your current business website, however, it is often worth retaining them for SEO value and other reasons. What makes sense is often termed a Marketing Funnel, a Sales Funnel, or just a plain old Funnel.

What is a Funnel? It’s a standalone web experience with a carefully constructed set of pages, 100% designed and built from the ground up to the market, convert, and sell your business product or service. That’s why Ambient Click is here. To help businesses and entrepreneurs compete in the competitive digital marketplace by running a Funnel. The only platform for this (in our honest opinion) is Kartra. It contains everything you need under one roof: website pages, pre-designed assets, buttons, copy, images, and just as importantly marketing automation. It’s a no-brainer! Take a look at our website to get the full picture of the services we offer and how we might be able to help you to get your business profile up and running, or maybe you want to market that idea you’ve had forever to your Facebook friends? Sign-up for your 14-Day Kartra Trial and give yourself a few months to test out the theory and let’s see if we can help you gain some financial success. It’s a near certainty that businesses who adopt Funnels now are going to emerge from lockdown stronger than ever so there really never has been a better time to begin.

Sign up for a 14-Day Kartra Trial Today!

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